Friday, September 24, 2010

The most important aspect

For me, the most important aspect in a memory is the associated feeling, or feelings. As Antonio Damasio writes in The Feeling of What Happens, “we experience because we have the ability to feel”. That's how important emotions and feelings are. The feeling(s) we experienced, or not, as the case may be, when something happened in our lives, laid the foundation of how that memory became imprinted in our brain, body and beyond. Whenever that feeling arises at a later stage, certain memories can be triggered.
If the feelings we felt at the time of the event were too overwhelming, we may have dissociated from them, or stuffed them, or buried them. Or maybe we were able to feel the feeling but when we expressed how we felt to others, we were shamed, so whenever we feel the beginnings of that feeling again, feelings of shame take its place instead. We may develop the belief that we are a bad person for feeling that way.

That's another thing about having the ability to feel and experience, we come to conclusions about our self, life and others as a result of these experiences, and these conclusions or beliefs become the foundation of how we live our life and experience life from then on. I believe that unless and until we connect to the original feeling, however painful (and this is why we usually avoid feeling the feeling at all costs, because we are too frightened to feel it again, so it's very important to work on uncoupling the feeling of fear from the original feeling) we won't be able to fully dissolve the charge on a memory or belief. Tapping diagram.

Whatever is rejected from the self, appears in the world as an event ~ Carl Jung

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