Monday, September 20, 2010

EFT tapping scripts for safety

Every exit is an entry somewhere ~ Tom Stoppard 

Try the following set up statements for tapping on safety, then use whatever reminder phrase that feels right for you on the points. Tapping diagram.

Even though it's not safe to feel this feeling, I'm afraid … will happen, I love and accept myself anyway

Even though it's not safe to express how I really feel, even to myself, I might have to do something about it then and I'm just not ready to act, I accept myself anyway

Even though some part of me believes it's not safe to let this go, I accept how this part feels

Even though I've had this … for so long, I can now safely release it and let it go (watch for any tailenders -objections- here and tap on them if they come up)

Even though this part(s) has kept me safe for so long by not feeling … I now choose to lift the burden from this part and help her/him feel the hurt and pain

Even though some part of me feels safer hanging on to …I love and accept this part

Even though I feel protected and at the same time unsafe, I accept how all parts of me feel

Even though I feel stuck because I'm afraid to move, I love and accept myself anyway

Every breath is an opportunity to receive and let go. I receive love and I let go of pain ~ Brenda MacIntyre 

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