Friday, August 21, 2009

Boosting your immune system, vitality and life force

One of the most simple steps you can take for boosting your immune system, vitality and health is to tap on your thymus gland every day with your fingertips. The following excerpt is from the book Notes on the Spiritual Basis of Therapy by Dr John Diamond

The thymus is the school and factory for lymphocytes - the white blood cells responsible for the body's immunological reactions. Immature lymphocytes come to the thymus from the bone marrow. Under the influence of thymus hormones, the cells mature, and then settle in the lymph nodes and the spleen, where they give rise to T cells (T for thymus derived). T cells are vital to our health. They seek out, recognise, and destroy foreign cells. Without T cells the body would have no resistance to disease.

Activating the thymus makes the body less susceptible to disease in the first place, and also better able to combat illness.

In addition the thymus gland monitors and regulates energy flow throughout the body. Whenever an imbalance occurs, it rebalances the energy.

Thus the thymus is the first organ to be affected by stress, whether it is physical stress - infection, disease - or mental stress. It is the link between mind and body.

The thymus is influenced by an individual's physical environment, social environment, food, posture, and emotional attitudes. Thus, thinking about something unpleasant will weaken the thymus, while thinking about someone you love will strengthen it. The negative emotional - weakening - states are hate, envy, suspicion, and fear. The positive emotional states are love, faith, trust, courage and gratitude. We call these latter states thymus qualities.

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