Tuesday, July 07, 2009


I find the best reframes always come from the client. When they have felt what they needed to feel, the reframes come naturally - usually from them, with some gentle questioning from you to draw out their core issues and beliefs. It is crucially important not to push people towards what you think they 'should' be feeling or experiencing. Listening to what the person says and feels in the moment is so important and is essential for building trust and rapport. Without these key ingredients the person will not feel safe enough to open up, which defeats the whole purpose of doing EFT effectively.

Read this article on reframing by EFT master Tania Prince.
Mastering the art of reframing is one more tool in your therapeutic arsenal that can help you become even more effective in gaining results using EFT. Reframing is also fun for both the therapist and client. With that in mind, this article contains information on a stunningly easy, fun reframe. It is one I commonly use.
What is Reframing?
Reframing is the art and skill of helping people change their perspective and view on their issues. Reframing is a powerful therapeutic tool that can create profound and fast change. EFT and reframing are commonly combined. There are many different types of reframes that can be used. The particular method highlighted in this article is a very simple and powerful method that I have used many times highly successfully. It is also easy to use and master. 
Example: Dealing with an Alcohol Addiction 
The following case was taken from the work I did with Carmen (not her real name), a client who had an alcohol addiction. At the point in the therapy where we talked about the below we had already made massive progress with the client’s drinking issue. She had stopped and was now only having an occasional rare binge.
Questioning her about the binges, Carmen said they only occurred when her boyfriend went out.  Whenever he left the house she had a sense fear that something dreadful would happen to him and that he wouldn’t come back. She went on to explain that this feeling had been something she had experienced throughout her life. (This statement implies that the causative event for this feeling was early in her life). Read on

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